Associate Member Application Sacred Cow Email Secret Greeting Of The Sacred Cow Members Of The Society (The Herd) Sacred Cow Pledge Order Of The Sacred Cow Virtual Meeting (In Progress) Code of Honor Membership Application OSC By-Laws

 The Sacred Cow Herd



         (__)             (__)             (__)             (__)
         (oo)             (oo)             (oo)             (oo)
  /-------\/       /-------\/       /-------\/       /-------\/
 / |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||
*  ||----||      *  ||W---||      *  ||w---||      *  ||V---||
   ^^    ^^         ^^    ^^         ^^    ^^         ^^    ^^
     Cow           Cow laden        Same cow      Nancy Reagan-type
                   with milk     after milking      cow with milk
         (___)             (___)    *        (___)             (___)
         (o o)             (o o)     \       (o o)             (o o)
  /-------\ /       /-------\ /       \-------\ /       /-------\ /
 / |     ||O       / |     ||O         |     ||O       / | ~#>-+|O
*  ||,---||       *  ||@\--||          ||,---||       *  ||,----|
   ^^    ^^          ^^    ^^          ^^    ^^          ^^     ^
     Bull       Same bull after    Rotc bull after    Red-blooded American Bull
                seeing above cow   seeing other bull   shooting the Rotc bull
         (__)             (__)             (__)             (__)
         (oo)             (oo)             (oo)             (oo)
  /-------\/-*     /-------\/       /-------\/   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 / |     || \     )*)(\/* /  *     / |     ||
*  ||----||  *   \ |||/)|/()(    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
\/|(/)(/\/(,,/   \)|(/\/|)(/\
  Cow munching   Grass munching   Cow in water       Cow in trouble
    on grass         on cow
          (__)             (__)    *        (__) *      (__)
          (oo)             (oo)     \       (oo) |      (oo)
  /--------\/      /-oooooo-\/       \-------\/  \-------\/
 * o|     ||      * ooooooooo     o  o|     ||   /     ||
    ||----||     ooooooooooooo        ||----||>==/-----||
 ooo^^    ^^    ooooooooooooooooo     ^^    ^^         ^^
  Cow taking      Cow in deep         Cow getting the shit
    a shit            shit             kicked out of her
         (oo)                       U
  /-------\/                    /---V
 / |     ||                    * |--|                       .
*  ||----||
   ^^    ^^
Cow at 1 meter.         Cow at 100 meters.        Cow at 10,000 meters.
         (__)                     )__(                vv    vv
         (oo)                     (oo)                ||----||  *
  /-------\/               *-------\/                 ||     | /
 / |     ||               / |     ||                 /\-------/
*  ||----||              /  ||----||                (oo)
   ^^    ^^                 vv    vv                (~~)
American Cow              Polish Cow            Australian Cow
           (__)                     (__)                     (__)
         (OO)                     (@@)                     (xx)
  /-------\/               /-------\/               /-------\/
 / |     ||               / |     ||               / |     ||
*  ||----||              *  ||----||              *  ||----||
   ^^    ^^                 ^^    ^^                 ^^    ^^
Cow who drank Jolt       Cow who ate              Cow who used Jolt to wash
                      psychadelic mushrooms      down psychadelic mushrooms
                                         /\                  __
                                        /  \                 ||
             (__)                 (__)  \  /               (_||_)
             SooS                 (oo)   \/                 (oo)
      /------S\/S          /-------\/    /S          /-------\/
     / |     ||           / |     ||    /  S        / |     ||
    *  ||----||          *  ||----||___/    S      *  ||----||
       ^^    ^^             ^^    ^^                  ^^    ^^
    This cow belonged     Ben Franklin owned       Abe Lincoln's
  to George Washington       this cow                   cow
         o  o
         |__|             (__)             (__)
         (oo)             (oo)            =(oo)=         oo
  /-------\/       /-------vv       /-------\/
 / |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||
*  ||----||      *  ||----||      *  ||----||
   ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~
 bill bixby        bela lugosi      boris karloff  claude rains
 male relative     cow              cow            cow
                            o        o             (__)    ^
                             \      /              (oo)   /
                              \    /           _____\/___/
             (__)              \__/           /  /\ / /
             (oo)       _______(oo)          ^  /  * /
    /---------\/       /|  ___  \/             / ___/
   / | x=a(b)||       / | {   }||         *----/\
  *  ||------||      *  ||{___}||             /  \
     ^^      ^^         ||-----||            /   /
                        ^^     ^^           ^    ^
    Mathematical        Television      This cow does Disco
        Cow                 Cow        (That's what comes of
   (developer of        (Cow-thode      snorting cow-caine)
     cow-culus)          Ray Tube)
         |  POLICE  BOX  |                     __
         |---------------|                   (^\/^)              \(:)/
         |_______|     / |                    \oo/               (o|o)
         ||  |  ||    |  |               /-----\/           /-----\_/
         ||-----||    |  |              /|      |          /|      |
         ||__|__||    |  |             V ||----||         ^ ||----||
         |  ___  |    |  |               ^^    ^^           ^^    ^^
         | |___| |    |  |              Vulcan Cow         Klingon Cow
         | _____ |     (__)
         ||     ||     (oo)    ---------
         ||     ||----//\/ ---< Master? >
         ||     ||B-9  \ |     ---------
     a Certain Time Lord's Cow                   (__)     ---< EXTERMINATE!!! |
                                                 ( ----0      ----------------
                  (___) "Moo have twenty         _\/_
                  |===|  seconds to comply."    /oooo\---O
           ________\_/ /                       /oooooo\
          | |        |                        /oooooooo\
          # ||______||                       /oooooooooo\
            ||      ||                      /____________\
            ^^      ^^
             RoboCow                          a Dalek Cow
         ___________D           @@@@@@
        |________  |            _______
         (__)   | /             \     /
         ( oo /~| |      __      \   /
         /\_|// | |     /  \     |  |
       _/____/__| |    |    |    |  |
      |       ___/-----------------_| (__)
      |      /   \     \     \       `(oo)
      |     /     \     |     |       |\/
      |    |   O  |    /     / __    /
      |----|      |-----------/  \-\\\                 (__)
           \     /           | o |  \\\               _(  )_
                  Cow Express                     Suicidal Cow
           /\\   ^                 (__)                          (__)
          /__\\  |                 ( oo  _                       (oo)
     _    (o o)  |                 /\__|( ) _                   /-\/-\
    / \   /\_/\ /                 |  \==//=(_)  *POW!*         /      \
      | /|I   I|                  | ====                       |      |
      ^/ |I   I|                  |    |                       |      |
      |  |I   I|                 /|  _ \                      /        \
      |  |I   I|               /  / / \ \                     __________\
      |  |_____|             *    ||   ||                          \\
          ^  *^                   ||_  ||_                         (_)
cow giving forgiveness         Moo-hamid Ali                   Cow Bell.
            (!!)                        _/\_                       \_\
    !!!!!!!!(oo)                 _______(oo)              _________(oo)
   !/|       \/                 /|       \/              /| Ferrari \/
  !/ |______||                 / |______||              / |________||
  *  ||     ||                *  ||     ||             *  ||       ||
     ^^     ^^                   ^^     ^^                ^^       ^^
Last of the Moo-hicans        Mayflower cows             Sports Cow
       | (__)  (__)  (__)   (__)  |                   *        (__)
       | ( oo  ( oo  ( oo   ( oo  |                    \       (oo)
_______| /\_|  /\_|  /\_|   /\_|  |________             \-------\/
|                                         |              |     ||
|   _____                        _____    |              ||----||
|___|   |________________________|   |____|             (oo)  (oo)
    |___|                        |___|
              Cow-pooling                             rollerscating cow
                             __               o oo o
                            (__)               \||/
                            (__)               (__)              (___)
     (__)                   (oo)               (oo)              (o o)
     (  )            /-------\/         /-------\/        /$$$$$$$\ /
    ( /* )          / |     ||         / |     ||        / $$$$$$$|O
     |  |          *  ||----||        *  ||----||       *  ||w---||
     ^  ^             ^^    ^^           ^^    ^^          ^^    ^^
   Dairy-Air      East Indian Cow       Injun Cow          Cash Cow
                                                                      (       )
           (__)                                     (__)
         /   oo      ______                       /   @@      ______
        |  /\_|     |      \                     |  /\_|     |      \
        |  |___     |       |                    |  |___     |       |
        |   ---@    |_______|                    |   ---@    |_______|
     *  |  |   ----   |    |                     |  |   ----   |    |
      \ |  |_____                                |  |_____
       \|________|                         *____/|________|
            CompuCow                      CompuCow After an All-niter
             (__)                                   (__)
           /   --      ______                     /  .\/.     ______
          |  /\_|     |      \                   |  /\_|     |      \
          |  |___     |       |                  |  |___     |       |
          |   ---@    |_______|                  |   ---@    |_______|
          |  |   ----   |    |                *  |  |   ----   |    |
          |  |_____                            \ |  |_____
    *____/|________|                            \|________|
    CompuCow Asleep at the Keyboard       CompuCow Discovers Bug in Compiler
      \\                                    \\
       \\                                    \\
       / \                                   / \
      /   \                                 /   \
      \    \                                \    \
       \    \(__)                            \    \(__)
     *-->    (oo)                          *-->    (oo)
       /    / \/                           o /    / \/
      /    /                                /    /
      \   /                             o   \   /
       \ /                                   \ /
       //                                    //
      //                               o    //
  B-2 Stealth Bomber cow         Stealth cow on bombing run
                      (__)                 +=============================+
                      (oo)                 |  F R E D ' S   S A L O O N  |
       ______    ______\/              (__)|          +-----+            |
    __|______\__/____/\\[}             (xx)|          | ___ |            |(__)
   /   ---             \\ ---           \/ |          |/=|=\|            |(oo)
|[]  /     \ \      /   /     \            |          |==|==|            | \/
    |   @   | \____/   |   @   |           |          |==|==|            |
     \     /            \     /        ------------------------------------
       ---                ---
             COW-ASAKI                           Cows behind bars
                 __ _________                           __ _________
            (__)      o   o               *        (__)
            (oo)     o  o                  \       (OO)
     /-------\/==o  o                       \-------\/
    / |     ||  ____                    []   |     ||
   *  ||----||  |__|                   (/\)s==|----||
      ~~    ~~                         /__\   ~    ~~
  Cow blowing bubbles.             Cow kicking over lantern that started
                                                      the vice president has a
(__)     (__)         (__) (__)                       lower IQ than he does
(oo)  +  (oo)      =  (oo) (oo)
 \/       \/           \/   \/                                  (__,
(__)     (__)(__)     (__) (__) (__)                 /-----#-----\'
(oo)  +  (oo)(oo)  =  (oo) (oo) (oo)                / | Cownucks||  \
 \/       \/  \/       \/   \/   \/                   }}--------}}   \ o
                                                      ==        ==    --
           Cownting...                             This cow plays hockey
                                                         moo  /`'\  .
             (__)   MOO!                                   ` /    ./ \..
             (oo)  /                                      ../   .'      \.
      /-------\/                                       ../    /    ../    \
     / |     ||                                      ./     ./   ./        \
    *  ||----||                                    ./     ./            \   \.
-------^^----^^-----                           .../    ../       ../          \
                    \                         /       /         /
                          Ech-cow   (echo)
                 ________________                  (__)
         ^__^   /                \                 (--)s ---mmmmoooooooOOOOOO!
         (oo)  ( Milk is logical. )              __ \O//
  /-------\/ --'\________________/              /   ==s)\_____
 / |     ||                                 *--/|_/-----/    OO       COW
*  ||W---||                                     |__       __ II     JOYRIDES
   ^^    ^^                          O O o  o   /  \-----/  \
Mr Spock's cow                                  \__/     \__/
             COW-OPERATION                             Buddha's Cow
                                      (__)                ---_
(__) _______________*                 (oo)               /|   \
(xx)-\           \             /-------\/               / |\   \_ (__)
 \/ /-\___________\--\        / |     |                *  ||\     (oo)
                             *  ------                    ~~ \____ \/
       Boneless Cow      No leg cow (ground beef)    Two leg cow (lean beef)

    (__)                                (___)            **       ((__))
    (__)               (__)             (___)             \\      ((oo))
    (oo)               (  )             (   )              \\------\\//
   | \/ |             (  /*)            |   |               ||      ||
    |  |              ||  ||            |   |               |||----|||
                                        (___)               ^^^    ^^^
Cows doin' it      Cows doin' it           \_*             Cow during an
 FRONT VIEW          BACK VIEW         TOP VIEW             Earthquake
                      |                                                      |
             _______  |                                                      |
            / _____ | |                       ACME MOO-VERS                  |
           / /(__) || |                                                      |
  ________/ / |OO| || |                                                      |
 |         |-------|| |                                                      |
(|         |     -.|| |_______________________                               |
 |  ____   \       ||_________||____________  |             ____      ____   |
/| / __ \   |______||     / __ \   / __ \   | |            / __ \    / __ \  |\
\|| /  \ |_______________| /  \ |_| /  \ |__| |___________| /  \ |__| /  \ |_|/
   | () |                 | () |   | () |                  | () |    | () |
    \__/                   \__/     \__/                    \__/      \__/
                           "The Moo-vers are here!"

          {__}                                            _[__]_
          (oo)                                            /(oo)\
   /-------\/                                       /------@\/@
  / |  +  ||                                       / |     |@@
 *  ||----||                                      *  ||----||
    ^^    ^^                                         ^^    ^^
   Sacred Cow       Zen Cow (eating grass)          Hasidic Cow

                                                         ^^    ^^
         ________________                                             (__)  

        o    o    o       o     o              o                    o      
                  o  o  o     o         o    o          o       o         
           (__)    o  o   o          o            o        o             
           (oo)   o o           o         o          o          o        
    /-------\/___()       o           o        o          o                
   / |     ||                                                              
  *  ||----||                                                            
     ^^    ^^                                       
  Cow blowing bubbles from a pipe                                        
                     ________                       _______
            (__)    /        \             (__)    /       \
            (oo)   ( Squeak!! )            (oo)   (  !oMo!  )
     /-------\/  --'\________/      /-------\/  --'\_______/
    / |     ||                     / |     ||
   *  ||----||                    *  ||----||
      ~~    ~~                       ~~    ~~
      A Cow-mon                      Dyslexic
      Mistake                         Cow                   @@@@@          
                                                          @@\0 0/@@         
                                                            (o o)        
                 ___________________________             **  |U|  **       
                /      /          /        /            ***(     )***      
               /      /__________/        /             //  \   /  \\      
              /                          /             //    ***    \\     
             /                          /                  *******         
            /                          /                 ***********       
           /                          /                ***************     
          / 3.5" 135tpi              /               *******************   
         /__________________________/               *********************  
              Cow Stored as Binary                                         
               Information.                              Cow Belle         
           (___)                (___)                    (___)(___)
           (o o)              * (o o)                    (o o)(o o)
     /------\ /   (__)         \_(--)              /------\ /  \ /-----\
    /    ____O    (oo)         / (**)\            /   (__)_O    O___    \
   (    )/----\----\/         ( / \/\ )          (   )(oo)--\---/--/(    )
   /\oo===|  / ~  ||           \\    /           /\oo==@/||  ~ \~ |===oo/\
  | ||    ||~-----||           |||~~||          | ||     ||-----~||   || |
  * ||    ||      ||           |||  ||          * ||     ||      ||   || *
    ~~    ~~      ~~           ~~~  ~~            ~~     ~~      ~~   ~~
                           Cows at a garden party

            (__)    *        (__)    *        (__)          (   )
            (oo)     \       (oo)     \       (OO)       (         )
     /-------\/     ..\-------\/       \-------\/      (   (         )
    / |     ||     .   |     ||         /     \\        (      )    )
   *  ||W---||     .   ||----||        //------\\          (     )
      ^^    ^^         ^^    ^^       ^^        ^^
   Cow about to       Cow giving     Cow who's just     Cloud of dust where
   give milk          U.H.T. milk    seen a McDonalds   same cow was before
            (__)             (__)  s                     *     )__(
            (oo)             (@@) s                     /      (oo)
     /-------\/       /-------\===          (__)        \--___--\/
    / |     ||       / |     ||      /------(xx)         |      |
   *  ||----||      *  ||----||     * \     /\/          /\----/ \
   WWWWWWWWWWWWW       ^^    ^^     ===----====         ^  ^   ^ ^
   Cow standing in  Cow SMOKING      Dead cow             Mad Cow
   long grass          grass
            (__)             (__)             (___)   *        (___)
            (00)             (oo)             (@ @)    \       (* *)
     /-------\/       /-------\/       /-------\ /      \-------\ /
    / |     ||       / |     ||       / |      |O        |      |O
   *  ||----||      *  ||O---||      *  ||O---||         ||@>--||
      ^^    ^^        [__].  ^^        [__].  ^^         ^^    ^^
   Norwegian cow     Calf having      Calf making      Same bull after
                     drink            mistake          calf went away
        | |                (__)       \
        | |                (oo)        |
        | |         /-------\/          \____     Cow'ndom
        | |        / |     ||            ____)    Use it to prevent AIDS
        | |       *  ||----||           /
        | |          ~~    ~~          |
        | |___________________________/
                       ++   ++
            (__)      | 1 2 3 |              (__)            
            (oo)O     | 4 5 6 |              (oo)            
     /-------\/o/     | 7 8 9 |       /-------\/__           
    / |     |__/~~~~~~| * 0 # |      / |     |__\/  \~~~~~~~/
   *  ||----|         +-------+     *  ||----|       \_____/ 
      ^^    ^                          ^^    ^               
       Cattle call                      Cow punch            

         \      / _                         /\         ` `_______ ` `          
       /\/______\/                         /  \         `/_/_|_\_\ `           
        |      (__)                       /(`')\       `     |(__)  `          
    *---|______(^^)                 /-------\/          `    |(oo)  `          
                \/                 / |     ||          `  `  J \/  `           
                                  *  ||----||                                  
        Cowt-of-order                ~~    ~~          Cow in Bergen, Norway   
    (Me-cow-nical failure)           Cowloon           (Rains 300+ days a year)
                       (___)     ________
                 .____ (o o)    /        \                )
                /       \ /  --|  UGGGGH! |
              /       || O      \________/
             /      / ||
            /      /  ||
           /_____/__, ||
   *------'---------' ~~
           Sitting Bull                               Bull's Eye
        | \                                                       (___)  
        |  \            (__)                (__)                  (~  )  
   *----|---------------(oo)                (oo)                  (o o)  
        |    ______     |\/          /-------$/             /-------$/   
        |___/     /_____|           / | ^^  ||             / |      ||   
        / / \____/    / /          * ||-----|             * ||------|    
       / >           > /             ^^     ^               ^^      ^    
      >               >              MacCow                   MosCow  
        Stelth Cow
                (  )                                      (==) |       
                (oo)              __                /------\/- *       
       /---*-.---\/              (oo)              / |   | \/|         
      / |* . * .||        /-------\/              *  |       |         
     *  ||------||         :     ::                  |===|===|         
        ~~      ~~         ::----::                   ^^   ^^          
                           ^^    ^^                                    
      Cow w/ cowpox        Boris Cowlile         Cow on Graduation day 
     |             |
     | INDIANA  45 |
     |             |                  |
     | PURDUE   52 |                  |
     |_____________|                  |
                                \/\/\/     \\
                                 \/\/       \\
                  (__)   __                    \\
                  (oo)  /)(\                    \\
            *    / \/_/~\__/                     ||
             \  /   __/~                         ||
              \/   /                             ||
               | _/                              ||
               | |                               ||
               ~ ~                             ------
                           (__)         (__)
                           (00)         (  )
           /----------------\/           \/---------------\
          /  |             |              |              | \
         *   ||-----------||              |||----------|||  *
            ^^^          ^^^^             ^^^          ^^^
                              SIDE VIEWS
                   |                            |
                   |                            |
                   |                            |
                   |                            |
                   |                            |
                   *                            |
                  ^^^                          ^^^
               BACK VIEW                    FRONT VIEW
       ((( ))))
       ((  (    )))                      (     )      I'm a cow, man !
      ( (     )   ) )                     ^^^^^     /                 
    ( ( (         ))))                    |   |   _/                  
   ( (           / ) ) )                   O O   /                    
    ( ( \\       ) ) )                    \ C / -                     
        ( :  // ) )                         ~                         
          :   :                          /     \                      
          :   :      O                  / |   | \                     
          :   :                        (  |   |  )                    
          :   :                         \ \___/ /                     
          :   :    (__)                  W/   \W                      
          :   :    (oo)                  /|_n_|                       
          :   : ----\/                  / || ||                       
          :   :    ::                   | () ()                       
          :   : ---::                   * || ||                       
       ------------^^                     VV VV                       
          Newton's Cow                                                
         (aka Mooton)                   Bart Cow                      
                        (       )                      (       )
                       \     /                        \     / 
                        \___/                          \___/  
                        (o o)                          (o o)  
           /-------------\o/              /-------------\o/   
          / |           ||               / |           ||     
         *  ||-,--------||              *  ||@\\-------||     
            ||          ||                 ||  \\      ||     
            ~~          ~~                 ~~          ~~     
        Texas Longhorn Steer            Texas Longhorn Bull   
              (__)             (  )                       (__)  
              (oo)               /                        (oo)  
        _______\/              /   \                _______\/   
       /                     /       \             /|      |    
      / |     ||           /           \          / ||    ||    
     *  ||-__-||          (_____________)        *  ||----||    
        ^^    ^^                                    ^^    ^^    
     Pregnant Cow            Hanger              De-calf-inated                
               (__)                      (__)                    iiiiIiiii 
               (oo)                      (oo)                     '|o o|`  
      /---------\/               ---------\/                ________\_/    
     /|    |   ||              /    |    ||               / |        |     
    * |__|-----||            //____\-----||              #  ||ww____||     
       ||      ||           *   ||       ||                 ||      ||     
                                                            ~~      ~~     
        cow-boy                  cow-girl                 Happy Hannucow!  
                         (or a Sco(w)ttish cow-boy)
                                          (_ _)
                                     ___  (o o)
             (__)                  _-   -_(   )
             (++)                /-        O O
         /____O/                / |       ||
        /|   ||                *   ||-___-||
       * ||--||                    ~~     ~~
         ~~  ~~
       This cow belongs to        This cow belongs to
       Mr. Bill                   Rosanne Barr
    |      ________________________________________________________      |
    |  10 )   T H E  U N I T E D  S T A T E S  O F  A M E R I C A  ( 10  |
    |   /        ...........         ____                            \   |
    |  |                           /      \         A10806726C        |  |
    |  |      1      (A)          |  (__)  |    ___ __   __    1      |  |
    |  |                          |  (oo)  |     | |_  |\ |           |  |
    |  |         A10806726C       |  _\/_  |     | |__ | \|           |  |
    |  |      1  ..........        \//;;/\/      ...........   1      |  |
    |   \        .........     _______________     ........          /   |
    |  10 )___________________/  TEN DOLLARS  \____________________( 10  |

To The Main Pasture (Home)

Order Of The Sacred Cow

Design and Graphics Copyright © 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001, 2002, 2003, 2004